Several folks have recently asked if I could compile some of my meta diaries for easy access. As we have many new members of the community, this collection may be of interest to them. Old timers may find old favorites. The "Rule of Three" is simple and has many applications.
Meta about community broadly Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? A guide both here and in real life…Civility, Citizens and Siglines The inseparable connection between civility and a true civic life…
Why post a comment? There are more reasons than you might think! Encouragement for lurkers…
What does my recommend on your comment mean? One click can mean many things…
The Lighter Side of Community Moderation Part of the Help Desk guide for newcomers…
Make your case A visual guide to good arguments…
The Powerful Rule of Threes When is enough enough?
Shaving Rancor with Hanlon's Razor Just read it.
Meta with a more focused subject A Brief Discourse on Courage and BallsSarah Palin is not stupid and why Kogs should care
Even People Who Do Evil Are Human
Visual meta Peaceable KingdomSo, what do Muslims look like?
Meta through parables Two may stand where one will fall"Shall we plant blueberries?" he murmured.
Demographic Meta A Glimpse at Daily Kos Over Time I have written a number of sigline diaries that are meta-ish, but not so much as the ones above. If you enjoy siglines diaries, you can find mine here.